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Where was Paul Tillich born?

a) Königsberg.

b) Bradenburg

c) United States

d) Germany

Which one of this concepts doesn´t belong to Tillichs theology?

a) God above God

b) Ontology

c) Atonement

d) Method of correlation

Which of these books was NOT written by Tillich?

a) Systematic Theology

b) Church Dogmatics

c) On the boundary

d) The eternal now

In which of these Universities did Tillich taught at? (Choose three of the following)

a) University of Berlin

b) University of Chicago

c) University of Harvard

d) University of Stanford

Which of these authors influenced Paul Tillich?

a) Schelling

b) Karl Barth

c) Kant

d) Saint Augustin

When was Paul Tillich born and when did he died?

a) 1886-1965

b) 1880-1950

c) 1902-1995

d) 1889-1959

Which of these people convinced Tillich to move to América?

a) Reinhold Niebuhr

b) Karl Barth

c) Billy Graham

d) His wife

In which of these american cities is Tillichs memorial stone?

a) Austin, Texas

b) Boston, Massachusetts

c) Dallas, Texas

d) New Harmony, Indiana

Paul Tillich´s father was:

a) Catholic priest

b) Conservative Lutheran pastor

c) A lutheran Minister

d) Secular

Faith as ultimate concern is an act of?

a) Trust to God

b) The total personality

c) Religious matter

d) Trust to de bible

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